How to Improve Your Sales Copy

So your sales copy sucks?

Maybe you’ve pulled out the big guns and hired a copywriter, but you’ve discovered that you are still falling flat on your face getting anyone to take action?

Listen, besides the obvious steps you should be taking  — You need to be split testing!

Here’s one that is critical.

If any sales copy is going to fail,  it usually boils down to three things:

  •  Your message is not clear
  •  It doesn’t convey what the benefits are
  • The call to action is buried, non-existent or confusing.

Now this is bearing in mind that you have a product or service that people need and your marketing is rocking.

First off, any time someone sees an email, a website, a direct mail piece, or a video. You have to imagine that they have three questions going through their head.

1. What is this about?

2. How does it benefit me? ( Basically why shouldn’t I click away and get back to the million and one distractions that are far more important than you?)

3. What do you want me to do?

You need to be able to answer those questions in the clearest, most efficient and compelling way.

Approaching any advertising efforts with these three questions in mind, will break down even the most complex products, services or goal that you might have.

If you are not clear enough, you will lose people before they even see the benefits

If you are not efficient enough, and you ramble on about what your think people want to know, again you will lose people

If you don’t present what you have to offer in a compelling way, you will lose people.

Remember, people are SUPER BUSY. You might think your product or service is the next best thing, since sliced bread but trust me, having created advertising for over 13 years now. I can tell you that most people just want the facts. The only reason you should be waffling on for a long time, is if each sentence matters to them. If it doesn’t, get rid of it.

This answers the question of: How long should sales copy be?

Answer: As long as it takes to convey what they NEED to know. I emphasize the word NEED as all too often, advertising is filled with unnecessary verbiage.

Keep it clear, keep it directed at what they get out of it, and make sure there is no doubt as to what you are asking them to do. Don’t throw phone numbers, websites, and the whole kitchen sink at them if you only want them to click a button.

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